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How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster in a Day

Hair expert Philip Kingsley argues that hair cells are the second fastest-growing cells in the body after intestinal cells to grow hair naturally, make sure you eat a balanced nutritious diet, chiefly the intake of air, protein, biotin, and vitamins The second thing to make sure if you want to grow hair naturally is not to use air that is too cold or too hot.

How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster in a D

Hair on the head will commonly grow about 0.3-0.4 mm per day or 15 cm per year. However, some people grow their hair faster and some have slower growth. There are various routes to get long hair fast. Not only external maintenance by using the right hair health products, but also internal care through the consumption of nutritious foods. In that direction, you can get long and shiny hairsbreadth.

How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster in a Day

  1. Absorb healthy and nutritious food

Consumption of healthy and balanced nutrition can support hair growth and make hair not brittle or fall out. There are various types of hair-lengthening food options that can be consumed, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, spinach, avocados and berries, and nuts.

  1. Massage the scalp regularly

Massaging the scalp regularly when shampooing is a reasonable step that is quite effective at triggering hair growth so that it quickly grows long. Besides being able to stimulate faster hair growth, massaging the scalp can also give rise to the muscles in the head being more relaxed.

  1. Trim the ends of the hair regularly

Cutting the ends of the hair is also known to make hair long quickly. This is because reducing your hair can prevent damage crises, such as split ends and split ends. For ultimate results, it is recommended that you trim every 3 months.

  1. Keep hair moist

It is also important to protect the hair moist so that the hair stays elastic and does not crack easily. The most extensive way to maintain hair moisturized is to utilize natural hair masks and one of them is to use natural oils or essential oils.

  1. Limit the use of styling tools

Undue styling using a hairdryer or straightener is known to destruction natural hair growth. Not only that, the habit of combing or panning when the hair is still wet and often tying the hair too tightly can also cause hair loss.

  1. Manage stress well

Uncontrolled stress can trigger the waiver of the hormone cortisol, while excessive cortisol can restrict hair growth. Consequently, it is important to manage stress appropriately so that hair can grow long directly.

Those are some tips to stimulate hair growth, change your lifestyle and take nice maintenance of your hair to make it look more beautiful.

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